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Interview with Justin Credible How did it feel to be reunited with your ECW alumni tonight?

Credible: It felt awesome. Anytime I'm in the ring with those guys it just brings back that chemistry, that good feeling of what ECW was and the spirit of ECW. And as long as you got guys like Sandman, guys like New Jack, guys like Perry Saturn, even myself, you're gonna have that ECW vibe which is special, you know? So it's really cool. What were some of your impressions of TNA before you got here. Had you watched any of the shows?

Credible: I have. Dude, I thought they had a great show. Like before I was part of it, I thought their production was unbelievable, their stuff was cutting edge. And now, every show gets better and better so it's really exciting. It's great to see all this talent forming here, and all this young's absolutely unbelievable, I think we have a really unique opportunity to do something right now in the wrestling business. Since you've been in both WWE and ECW, how does the backstage atmosphere here compare to those two federations?

Credible: This is very much like ECW was, it's very family oriented, we're all friends, everybody trying to help everybody out. Just the camaraderie, you know? We're all very passionate about this business, and it shows. Nobody's stabbing anybody in the back. It's night and day, this is what I fell in love with in the first place was this kind of atmosphere and I'm glad to be returning to it. Now in ECW you were a World Champ, a Tag Team Champ, then you go to WWE and things didn't really work out there. Why do you think that was considering you were a major player in ECW and then you go to WWE and they don't really have much use for you?

Credible: You know, I don't like to blame it on anybody, I always look in the mirror first. They tried to do a little bit with X Factor, X Pac's a very near and dear friend of mine...still is. I think it was just...I think we were doomed from the beginning. We were given a little bit of time at first being on Smackdown and RAW all the time, and it's just something I don't think they were ready to commit to...I think there were a lot of underlying issues as well. I don't like to blame anybody, so maybe they didn't see what the hype was all about, I don't know. What about your take in the "Invasion" seemed pretty short-lived, what was your take on that?

Credible: It was amazing because when the ECW faction was formed for that whole hour (laughter) that it lasted, I looked over at Heyman 'cause I was right next to him in the ring and you could feel that vibe from the fans. I remember it being in Atlanta at the Phillips Arena as a matter of fact. That's how memorable it was for me, and I don't remember any arenas. It was really special and they killed that off in less that a half-hour I think (laughter), to be honest. It was a was a little bit of hope, but then when I knew where they were going with it, it was just like...hmph...ridiculous. You've gone against some pretty big names in your career...Tommy Dreamer, Jerry Lynn, Jake Roberts...who was your favorite opponent and why?

Credible:'s a toss-up between Jerry Lynn and Sabu. The chemistry I had with those guys, especially Jerry like none other, those guys are great to work with. Sabu's a legend, it was a pleasure for me to be in there...he taught me so much about this business, and so did Jerry. They're both equally...I hate to pick a match, but I'd have to say those two guys are definitely a tie. With some of the guys in TNA now, is there anybody you haven't ever worked with that you're really looking forward to working with?

Credible: Hmmmm....I think I've wrestled just about everybody (laughter). Actually for trivia's sake, I actually even wrestled Jeff Jarrett as Aldo Montoya, he was Double-J, I beat him on "Superstars" in a non-title match for the Intercontinental Title, and then in the rematch for the Intercontinental Title, I lost. You know, I've been around for eleven years so I've...except for some of the younger guys who I'd love to get in the ring with, but no one in particular. I'd love to get in the ring actually with Jeff. I think he's a tremendous, tremendous, tremendous performer and I would love to challenge myself to see if I could hang, it'd be cool. Do you remember when C-3PO and R2-D2 escaped in an escape pod from Princess Leia's ship when Leia was getting captured?

Credible: Absolutely., there was a gunner on the Star Destroyer who was told to hold his fire on the escape pod because there were no life forms aboard. If he had blown up the escape pod that had the Death Star plans, do you think the rebellion would have ever stood a chance?

Credible: Not a chance. What were the lines to the movie? Something about the escape pod being jettisoned...there's no life forms, it must have short-circuited (laughter). Uhhh no, the rebellion would have had no chance and the original Death Star would have never been destroyed and all the planets and the rebel alliance would have been wiped out. And it's sad for me to know these things... If you had been that gunner would you have shot the escape pod anyway just for the heck of it?

Credible: Yeah, absolutely. Justin Credible would have. What was the experience like when you beat Tommy Dreamer for the ECW World Title?

Credible: It was awesome, I didn't expect that at all, it was out of left field. I didn't expect it because I was still Tag Team champs with Lance. It caught me by surprise as much as anybody else. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me...not to be a mark, but to me...I never thought I would get to that level when I got into this business, to be considered a World Champion. And not to be a mark, but to know that that stands for...that Paul Heyman trusts that position to you which is a pretty high position to have, to represent his company. That's what it meant to me, it meant that the company had faith in me to carry that, and it was cool, it was nice. You mentioned about the time you were teaming up with Lance Storm, what about your whole relationship with Lance...did you ever want to see the Impact Players get back together in WWE?

Credible: We both did, 'cause for a while Lance wasn't doing anything either, when the Alliance broke up we were just kind of floating around. It actually gave us some house show matches together against Billy and Chuck and we rocked it every time. Lance is such a great talent, he can't have a bad match and I don't think I'm half bad myself (laughter), so we held our own. He wanted it, I wanted it, I just don't think creative saw whatever Paul Heyman saw in it, which is's their opinion and they're entitled to it, it's cool. I'm glad that people like the Jarretts and TNA and others see that I am more than a "Sunday Night Heat" guy. Do you still keep in touch with Lance and Dawn Marie?

Credible: Lance and I go back to 1992. He helped train me in Calgary at the Hart's camp, so Lance and I are dear friends. I respect and love him dearly and his family. Dawn actually lives fifteen minutes from my house in New Jersey, so we cross paths once in a while. The only other superstar from the WWE that I keep in touch with, and I actually spoke to him last night after his release, is Jeff Hardy. What are your thoughts on that?

Credible: I think it was the biggest mistake that WWE has ever made because he's one of the most talented, gifted young men I've ever seen, and hopefully their loss will be our gain, 'cause he rocks dude. So what are some of your goals here with TNA, do have anything you hope to accomplish?

Credible: Just to get back true to form to what I was in ECW as far as a performer, as far as that kind of work ethic. As long as I go out there and I know that I did the best I could and worked as hard as I could every night...just to do the best I can, put on the best show I can, that's the bottom line, that's what I was always about. In a straight-up fight, one on one, Incredible Hulk or Superman, who would win and why?

Credible: Superman, only because he could fly, duck and move, he could do all that crazy shit....he's got the X-ray things I don't know much about the Hulk. I'm lame when it comes to comic books.

Credits: TotalNonstop
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