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Extreme Championship Wrestling

 ECW has appeared in 1992. Then the federation referred to as Eastern Championship Wrestling and was part NWA. There acted such wrestlers, as Tazzmaniac, Sandman, Terry Funk, Hawk, Chris Michaels and others. August, 27, 1994 the was renamed into Extreme Championship Wrestling. Show ECW passed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. August, 27 1994 Shane Douglas wins Too Cold Scorpio the ending of tournament for a vacant title of the world Champion in Heavyweight under version NWA, however it refuses to be the champion. Then he leaves in ECW where him do by the champion. Thus, ECW it is released from NWA. In 1996 owner ECW Todd Gordon has sold federation to Paul Heyman. Since 1997 PPV ECW have begun to broadcast on satellite TV though it was planned to make in 1998. ECW a little used ordinary structure faces and heels. Instead of it, they employed new wrestlers and organized short plots. Wrestlers left under the heavy music appropriate to yardcore style. It, basically, were songs of known musicians. ECW also were engaged noncommercial the American music (RVD music). April, 11 2001 ECW were recognized as bankrupts and have officially ceased to exist. The next week Paul Heyman has appeared in WWF, as time replacement Jerry Lawler. Then there there were to occur other stars ECW, such as Justin Credible, Rhino, Spike Dudley and Jerry Lynn. Corporation HHG which sponsored ECW, has officially recognized bankruptcy of this federation. The company was brought in the list of debtors, and the duty made 8881435.17 $. 860000 $ this debt fell to translation PPV. ECW got rid of the debt by means of release of computer game, toys for children, sale of videocassettes (500000 $), sales of lorry Ford (19500 $), the various souvenir goods (4000 $) etc. Also in this general duty contracts рестлеров were brought also. For example, Sabu and Steve Corino was received with all money. At ECW there were debts before Rob Van Dam (150000 $), Tommy Dreamer (100000 $), Joey Styles (50480 $), Shane Douglas (48000 $) and Francine (47275 $). July, 9 2001, on RAW is WAR, stars ECW have joined to stars WCW, when Lance Storm and Mike Awesom fight against versus Chris Jericho and Kane. It were: Tommy Dreamer, Rob Van Dam, Justin Credible, Dudley Boyz, Tazz, Raven and Rhyno. Paul Heyman has declared, that new mistress ECW becomes Stephany McMahon though all this was in words as ECW officially did not exist any more. Now almost all wrestlers ECW act in TNA (Justin Credible, Raven, Sandman, Sabu etc.), WWE (Dudley Boyz, Spike Dudley, Tommy Dreamer and Lance Storm) and XPW (John Kronus, Vic Grimes, Super Crazy etc.).
Last Show:

Last Champions:

on Fridays
ECW Hardcore

World Heavyweight Title

World Television Title

ECW Arena

November to Remember

every year
World Tag Team Titles

Doring & Roadkill
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