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World Wrestling Entertainment

 When Champion NWA was Buddy Rogers, controlled booker Tuts Mandt, in Northeast, others promoters of NWA were dissatisfied with that Iaiao seldom allowed Rogers to protect a title outside of northeast. Mandt and Vince McMahon wanted to hold Rogers and Title NWA at itself, but Buddy did not want to lose the earnings in NWA which made 25,000 $, therefore has lost title Luie Tesz, January, 24 1963. Then Mandt and McMahon have formed WWWF and in middle of April have given title to Rogers, having declared, that it has won tournament in Rio de Janeiro, but actually any tournament was not. Rogers has lost a title May, 17 1963, Bruno Sammartinoh, he would hold a title longer, but before a match has transferred heart attack, therefore fight and was such short (47 seconds). In 1979, WWWF has changed the name on WWF. Gradually, they have replaced the North American title intercontinental. In the period with 1971 on 1983, WWF has joined to NWA and there was its regional branch, therefore a title of world Champion WWF, was lowered up to the status of Champion WWF. In 1983 when promoter WWF began Vince McMahon Jr., he has left from NWA, but the title all the same refers to as WWF Title. In March 2002, WWF has lost action of proceeding World Wide Found and now refers to as WWE. In WWF was much bookers such as Jim Ross, Vince Russo, Pat Patterson, Jerald Bricsoe and others, now the main bookers are Paul Heyman, Brian Herwetz, Vince McMahonн, Dennis Brent, Shae McMahon and others, but plots in WWE uninteresting and basically, repeating with other federations (WCW, ECW, NWA etc.) and if and there are the they are under construction on conversations, actions of proceeding, any mysticism and other bosh which is completely not peculiar about pro-wrestling.
Main Show:

Current Champions:

on Modays

on Tuesdays
RAW Champion

HHH [3]
SD! Champion

Eddie Guerrero
Velocity (SD!)

on Saturdays
Heat (RAW)

on Sundays
RAW World Tag Team Titles

SmackDown! Tag Team Champions

Scotty Too Hotty/Rikishi
Summer Slam

every year
Survivor Series

every year
RAW Women's Champion

Molly Holly
SmackDown! Cruiserweight Champion

Chavo Guerrero

every year
Royal Rumble

every year
King Of the Ring

Brock Lesnar [2002]
Royal Rumble Winner

Chris Benoit [2004]
King Of the Ring

every year

every year
RAW Intercontinental Champion

Randy Orton
SD! US Champion

Big Show
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